Keagan Rankin

Ontario's 1.5 million homes? seems unrealistic.

Click here to read. Ontario's new housing legislation aims to boost supply in the next 10 years, but their ambitions are higher than what can reasonably be expected from historical trends. Why would the province publicize such a unlikely target without doing their homework?. - April 2023

Herodotus and the Armenian circular economy

Click here to read. Near the beginning of The Histories, Herodotus of Halicarnassus gives us an interesting aside about a circular economy - one that emerged naturally in Mesopotamia over 2500 years ago. What does this say about the inherent oldness of new ideas and the future of human sustainability? - Sept 2022

Cycle Classifier: using machine learning to classify the cycling accessibility of roads.

Click here to see this project on github. This project contains two proof-of-concept machine learning classifiers, created by me and my colleague Saad Akbar. The models classify roads as high-stress or low-stress for cyclists based on a set of features. The classifier attempts to reduce the volume of work required in the popular LTS classification method (Furth et al. in 2016, Imani et al. 2019, Lin et al. 2021) the model was trained using open Toronto data and labels from the cited literature. - April 2022